New Year’s Eve
Known as the last day of the year according to the Gregorian calendar, New Year’s Eve is on the last day of December, December 31st. Most people around the world like to celebrate the new year on New Year’s Eve; there are parties in the evening to count down to the new year. New Year’s Eve celebrations typically last till past midnight into New Year’s Day, January 1.
New Year’s Eve is a great time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the upcoming New Year. Celebrate your New Year’s Eve with decorations highlighting the New Year, filled with balloons and festive confetti. Celebrate New Year’s Eve in style with different New Year’s Eve decorations and New Year’s Eve party invitations.
When is New Year’s Eve?
New Year’s Eve lands on December 31st of every Gregorian calendar year. In addition, depending on different calendars according to religions or lunar calendars, there can be a different date for New Year’s Eve. Most commonly celebrated New Year’s Eve date is December 31 of every year.
Why is it called New Year’s Eve?
The word “eve” refers to the evening before, therefore New Year’s Eve is the night before the start of a New Year.
New Year’s Eve Party Invitation Cards
Celebrate the anticipation of the New Year alongside commemorating the past year with a festive New Year’s Eve party. Sending New Year’s Eve party invitation cards will get your friends and family excited for the party and set the tone of how you want your guests to dress for the occasion. Once your guests receive this invitation in the mail, they will be so excited to get their outfits ready for your party and think of ways to make this New Year’s Eve party the best.