16 Weeks Pregnant

16 Weeks Pregnant

Your Baby is the Size of a Avocado

The baby's heart is now pumping 25 quarts of blood per day (the adult heart pumps 5 per minute) and the head is more erect. Things are not in their final place yet—the eyes and ears are still a bit oblong on their head—but soon your baby will have everything aligned and can focus on development. It won't be long before you really start feeling the kicks too. Around this time they feel like little more than gas or a muscle twitch, but as your baby continues to get stronger, they'll be unmistakable.

Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy is looking great on you! You’ve got the "glowing" skin and you are starting to get very comfortable with the changes your body went through. Try singing a happy tune to your little one. They can now recognize your voice! Pay attention too, because what you perceive as gas bubbles might just be your baby moving!


The baby's eyelids start out as being fused shut, and won't open for another few weeks!

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