36 Weeks Pregnant

36 Weeks Pregnant

Your Baby is the Size of a Swiss Chard

The baby is shedding the covering of hair and the waxy substance covering the skin that protected it from the amniotic fluid. The baby swallows most of this, which makes for a fun first bowel movement after the birth. Around this point the baby will descend into your pelvis, making it easier to breathe, but moving the discomfort from your lungs to your pelvic region. Also, if born now the baby would certainly be a tad early, but likely have no problems breathing on its own.

Your Pregnancy

The baby should be head-first at this point, but if not your practitioner will schedule an appointment for an external cephalic version (ECV) to get the baby in the right spot. At this point, it's important to get your rest whenever and however you can. You'll also want to finalize your plan for getting to the hospital and have a bag packed and sitting by the door.


The baby's ears are sharp at this point. They are able to recognize voices and even songs!

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