Funny Birthday Quotes

Why are funny birthday messages so popular? Perhaps it’s because laughter is the greatest gift you can give someone. With funny birthday quotes, you can turn a birthday into a true celebration of life. Our lists include birthday quotes funny enough to scribble inside any birthday card, so you can let philosophers, politicians, and celebrities do the talking for you. Find a birthday quote with humor, sentimentality, and celebration rolled into one! Being funny in a birthday card is sometimes a challenging thing to do. If you have a blank birthday card and no idea what kind of clever greeting to write, we’ve got you covered with these funny birthday quotes. Give them the gift of laughter with these funny birthday wishes. Our funny birthday quotes include clever birthday messages about aging and other subjects. Pair them with an inside joke or our other inspirational, sweet, and cute birthday wishes.


July 27, 2021

80 Funny Quotes To Make You Smile

There’s just something about getting a good laugh in that can make your day a million times better. If you’re looking for funny quotes to make you smile, to give a toast with, or to send to a loved one, you’ve come to the right place. 8 min read

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July 2, 2020

Happy Birthday Wishes For Friends & Family

Are you looking for something thoughtful, funny, mushy, or kind to write inside a birthday card? Here are some unique birthday wishes for those who are closest to you, your friends and family! Browse through and choose the best options for a birthday card. 19 min read

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happy birthday cake
December 17, 2018

What to Write in a Birthday Card

Whether you’re good with writing cards or at a loss for words, we’ve got some birthday message inspiration that will assure the guest of honor a happy one. Each birthday is a milestone that deserves proper celebration and you can tailor your… 9 min read

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