25+ New Year’s Resolutions For Your Calendar

This year, create New Year’s resolutions you can achieve throughout your yearly calendar!

As we start off 2021, New Year’s resolutions are common for many people to get rid of bad habits for the coming year. This year, fill your New Year resolutions with measurable, attainable, and achievable goals that will help your personal development throughout the year. Jump start your New Year’s resolutions with this excellent list of New Year goals that anyone can benefit from to make 2021 a much better year than before. Be sure to keep track of your New Year goals and resolutions with custom notebooks or customized calendars to set goals and check off any goals that are achieved.

Setting New Year’s goals don’t have to be set for the entire year, an easier way to maintain goals is to designate a specific goal to be completed one month at a time. In addition, some people may find it difficult to complete goals, but encouraging your loved ones to make New Year’s goals list will make things easier to motivate one another to complete your goals. Below is a list of New Year’s resolutions that are perfect for any person looking improve their year:

1. Reduce Screen Time and Write More

In the modern society we live in, we are glued to our phones, computers, and tablets. This year make the resolution to reduce your screen time. Instead, spend time with your loved ones or pick up a book you’ve always wanted to read. Any time you get the urge to scroll through your phone, instead try writing down your thoughts in your own notebook. You may be surprised at how satisfying it can feel to get your thoughts down on paper instead of sharing them on social media. To stay motivated, design a personalized journal that’ll make you want to fill all the pages throughout the year.

2. Use Custom Bottles to Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential to living a healthier life, but most people don’t drink enough water during the day. Designate a specific time to consume water or have a water bottle handy to track your water intake. A great way to remind yourself to drink more water is having a personalized stainless steel water bottle that will encourage you to drink water every day.

Personalized stainless steel water bottles with custom messages

3. Improve Your Kitchenware and Cook More

To achieve a healthier lifestyle, it’s important to eat foods that are healthy and nutritious. This will form new healthy habits that will improve your overall health. By cooking more at home, you can automatically eat much healthier than most of the foods you’d get at a restaurant or from fast food places. Encourage yourself to cook more at home by shopping for personalized wooden utensils and custom ceramic bowls. Cook the healthy foods you want to eat and enjoy them in personalized kitchenware that looks great.

Personalized bowls with family name and pictures with a black spoon

4. Start A Savings Fund and Budget

A rainy day fund is always important for people to have. Whether your savings are going toward a vacation abroad, upgrading your home, or buying a new car; having extra spending money saved in your savings fund can put your mind at ease. This year, make it easy to track your spending and saving with a custom notepad. Bring your notepad with you and create a unique design that makes it a bit more enjoyable to record your finances.

5. Start A New Hobby

Starting a new hobby will let you release your mind of any stress and allow you to spend some quality alone time for yourself. Keeping hobbies will help you stay in better touch with your inner self and will open your mind to new ideas and possibilities. Consider the following hobbies that are fun and challenging:

  • Oil painting – Oil painting is a relaxing activity that can help you relieve stress. While painting is fun, it also give you beautiful decor! Use custom frames to hang your paintings as wall decor or gift them to friends.
  • Photography – These days, anyone can become a photographer with just a smartphone. Get started by taking photos of anything that interests you, or try your hand at portraits of your family and friends. Your loved ones will appreciate framed prints of your photos at the end of the year!
  • Journaling – Journaling is a great hobby that can be very versatile. While you might start journaling like a diary, you can also use journaling to stay positive and work into a meditation practice. If you want to get creative, you can even use your personal journals to draft creative stories and even write a novel.
  • Cooking and baking – Cooking and baking more is an excellent hobby that your friends and family will enjoy as well! Learning how to cook will improve your hosting skills and can also help you improve your health this year. Invest in custom kitchenware to make it more fun while you’re in the kitchen.
  • Mixology – Learning how to make your own drinks and cocktails is a great way to spend the year, especially if you haven’t been going out as much. Using personalized bar accessories and glassware can make your kitchen feel like a unique bar and make it feel intimate and exciting while you’re creating new concoctions.

6. Use Custom Home Decor to Create a Safe Space 

Having a personal space to call your own is important to get away from the chaotic and craziness that life throws at us. This year, designate an area in your home all to yourself that is decorated with personalized aromatic candles and custom canvas wall art prints of your favorite pictures and memories.

Kids art work that make beautiful canvas prints

7. Create A Cleaning Schedule  

Designating your cleaning schedule will help keep your home tidy without having to spend a lot of time deep cleaning. In addition, keeping a cleaning schedule will save you more time during the week to get other things completed. By marking your cleaning schedule on your wall calendar, you can make sure the whole family knows when it’s time to clean different areas throughout the home. You may be surprised at how much less stressful it is to plan your cleaning!

8. Quit Harmful Things to Your Health

Oftentimes, quitting is the first step to achieving a better and healthier life; but it’s a hard step to take. Whether you’re looking to give up smoking, alcohol, or anything else, it’s important to break it down into smaller goals you can accomplish throughout the year. Give yourself small goals to complete each week and when you complete them go towards a bigger goal. Keep a calendar poster in your home so you can easily mark off the days that were a success – seeing your achievements will help you stay motivated all year long.

9. Create a Personalized Planner to Stay Organized

Starting a planner, becoming better organized with your schedule, and having time management is difficult for everyone. Sometimes we plan and organize things to do but we don’t actually have time to complete all the things we plan. Having personalized monthly planners will help you get your schedule manageable and you will be more productive each and every day. 

Monthly planner with empty calendar space to put all plans with a customized cover

10. Exercise Regularly  

Exercise not only helps people stay in shape, but it helps with moving the body after a long day’s work. Many of us who work at a desk all day lack movement throughout the day, so moving your body will help relieve tensions that have developed over time. Doing simple exercises such as taking a light stroll with the dog, playing with your kids, or just some easy stretches will improve your health and well being. To stay motivated to reach your exercise goals, create a personalized water bottle with a straw that you can take anywhere. Having a cute water bottle at your side will make you feel more inspired to stay on the go.

11. Volunteer In Your Community

As the New Year starts, it’s important to give back to the ones who are less fortunate. Doing a good deed will be a reward in itself, but will help you meet new people and learn new skills. 

12. Tidy Up And Donate Old Clothing

In addition to volunteering, another way to give back is to donate any old clothing you may not have worn in a while. This gives you the opportunity to clean out your closet of all the clothes that don’t fit you anymore or out of style. 

13. Keep A Personalized Diary 

Keeping a diary and documenting your life is a great way to look back over the good and the bad things that have happened. Writing down your goals, feelings, and concerns is a great way to de-stress and motivate yourself for the upcoming year. Write down your daily thoughts with a personalized notebook that you will keep for years to come. 

Personalized notebook and custom office accessories

14. Go To Bed Early 

While most people don’t get the average 8 hours of sleep a night, it really affects how you go about the start of your day. Make the effort to create a sleeping schedule to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning, this will drastically change how you go about your daily routine. To go to bed earlier, you may be more motivated by a cozy bed. Shutterfly’s custom fleece blankets are great for making your bed feel extra special. Just having a warmer bed may help you go to bed earlier and improve your bedtime routine.

15. Make Your Bed Every Morning

Making your bed every morning will kick start your productive morning routine and transform your bed into a comforting space. Every night when you climb into bed, it will be a more inviting space to snuggle into rather than seeing your blankets spurred around your bed. Consider improving your bed with personalized throw pillows. By adding your favorite photos of travel memories or pets, you’ll be more motivated to make your bed and proudly display the cute pillows on top.

16. Spend More Time With Nature

Get a breath of fresh air while spending time some healing time in nature. Being in nature will reduce the stress and anxiety that has been caused throughout our daily lives. Embrace the sounds and smells that are only found in nature. Especially in the winter time, it’s still important to get outside often. You may be tempted to stay in and curl up by the heater or fire, but time outside can improve your mood and health. For the colder months, create a cute personalized sweatshirt that you can throw on and feel better while you go for a walk or run.

17. Give Yourself More Compliments 

In the hectic life we live in, we could use more motivation and compliments to get us through the day. Give yourself and the people around you more compliments to enforce positive self talk to help you focus on all the good that’s in your life. Use custom sticky notes to write down daily affirmations or all the good things you think about yourself. Place the sticky notes on your mirror or around your desk at home, and glance at them every time you’re feeling down. Improving your self confidence will help you feel better around others and at work!

18. Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination is the main factor in people not achieving their goals. Once you start procrastinating, it’s hard to get yourself out of your old ways. In order to stop procrastinating, make a list of all the things you need to get done for each day or week, and mark off each task you’ve done. A good way to get things done is to write them down on a personalized notepad and check every task you complete off. 

I love lists note pad with personalized picture and name on a green background

19. Spend More Time With Loved Ones

Spending time with our loved ones is the best way to stay happy. Whether you spend time putting together a personalized photo jigsaw puzzle or spending time outside, you are creating memories with your family and friends. For the loved ones you can’t be around often, take the time to send photo greeting cards throughout the year. Even outside of holidays and special occasions, they’ll love to hear from you and get a glance of what’s going on in your life with beautiful photos.

Personalized puzzle perfect for kids gifts this holiday season

20. Improve Your Overall Mental Health

Focusing on your mental health and well being is important and this year take a step to improve your wellness and mental health. Find a way that’s best for you to relieve any stress and doubt in your mind and focus on being your best self. 

21. Travel The World and Record Your Favorite Memories

Traveling the world and experience new cultures is the best way to see how the rest of the world lives. Traveling the world can help improve social and communication skills, enhances your confidence level, and create memories that will last a lifetime. As you travel, take as many photos as possible so you can record all your favorite moments. After your trip, you can make a special travel photo book to keep your memories for years to come.

22. Become More Confident 

Take this year to become more confident in your decisions and take some chances that will greatly benefit you in the future. Taking these chances will be a great learning experience and will help you boost your confidence level. 

23. Let Go Of the Past

Being able to look towards the future requires you to let go of the things that you dwell on from the past. Make this year even better by forgetting all the bad things that happened to you in the past and create a better future this year. You can use personalized Post-it Notes to write down everything you tend to dwell on that happened in the past. Take the time to reflect on everything and give yourself the time to accept all your emotions. When you’re done, through the sticky notes away for good and allow yourself to move on into a better year.

24. Learn To Express Yourself

Learning to express yourself through words and art is important to release your inner stress and express your creative side. It is a great release to express your emotions through art and writing that we can’t express out loud. If you have kids, you can get them involved too with custom art kits. Crafting and making art with the kids is a great way to bond, and you’ll both end the year feeling more in-tune with yourselves and each other.

25. Stick To Good Habits You’ve Developed

Now that you made and kept these New Years’ resolutions, stick to all the good habits you’ve formed and encourage others to do the same with their New Year resolutions for the remainder of the year. Use your monthly planner to stay on top of your habits and write down each day that you were successful. Each month, take a look back at what you’ve achieved and re-motivate yourself to keep striving for more next month.

Wrapping Up

Make this year even better than the last by creating a personalized New Year’s resolution list that you’ll look forward to completing. No matter how big or small your goals are, make sure they are resolutions you want to achieve for the upcoming new year. As you create your list, keep track of your New Year’s resolutions on your 2021 calendar so you can set goals and hold yourself accountable. As long as your set your mind to your goals and stay focused, you’ll be checking off all your resolutions in no time!

Additional Resources:

Shop Custom Desk, Photo, or Wall Calendars

Shop Custom Notebooks

Shop Personalized Water Bottles & Photo Water Bottles